lunes, 29 de junio de 2015


En la clase de Lengua, tuvimos que twittear 2 tweets acerca de cada nucleo narrativo y cada tema del libro "Un veneno saludable. Luego teniamos que hacer una recopilacion de los tweets y crear una historia en storify. Trabaje con matias Castro

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

Graphic Novel

In the language class, we were asked to create a graphic novel of a fable with a moral. To create it we use Pixton, I did it with Marias Castro.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Paisajes de Argentina

En la clase de geografía, estamos estudiando sobre la diversidad de paisajes en Argentina, para esto tuvimos que Confeccionar una entrada al blog personal que contenga un informe visual que muestre la diversidad de paisajes de Argentina. Para presentar los diversos paisajes use powerpoint y lo subo a slideshare.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Writing Mail

In the language class we were asked to create a Mail to somebody, I did it with Felipe Rolon and we write about an invitation to a trip.

Hi Maite!,
How are you? What have you been up to?
Do you remember that I told you I was planing to travel with you on a trip? Well, I founded a trip to go to England for twenty days. I want to travel with you the next month, remember that if you accept to travel with me, you cant`t have subjects with low marks.
I know you will want to travel with me, my fathers want to travel with you. If you start to make the malet remember that there is a very cold weather so include jackets and all that stuff.

Replay soon, Agustin.

Summarise article

In the language class we were asked to summerise an article. Each of use has to select one article and summarise it, i select "Must-see spring films".

The article is about of the new films that will be out on cinemas this year. It talks about the movies with a great potential that are coming; films of Action, Science Fiction and Comedy. Also, it tells you when the movies are coming out.
"Avengers: Age of Ultron"
It is an action film and it will be out on May 1. In the film ,The Avengers, have to work together to end with Ultron, a program that keep the peace that it had broken.
"Mad Max: Fury Road"
It is an action film and it will be out on May 15. In the film Mad Max and a group led by Imperator Furiosa have to cross the desert.
It is a science fiction fil and it will be out on March 20. In the film, Tris and Four have to send away that the hostile forces.
"Jurassic World"
It is a science fiction movie and it will be out on June 12. In the film, the Jurassic World genetics create a hybrid dinosaur to earn more visitors.
"Get Hard"
It is a Comedy movie and it will be out on March 27. A man assumes he has a criminal past, and he will be in prision after he`s convicted of tax evasion.

Writing Tip: Informal e-Mail

In the language class we were asked to create a writing tip of Informal Email. To create it, I used popplet, I did it with Felipe Rolon