viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Return to a homeland

Andre, the language teacher asked us to write a report on the city of Kabul
In what way is the city of Kabul an illusion?
The city of Kabul is describe as a borgeous city, in addition, Saira Shah describes it as  magical place, with fair tale landscape. Furthermore, she says that the Jewell-like city has got majestic montanis and a Sunny Valley. With fountains that fling diamond droples, what´s more, coloured blind sing in the fruits lader archards.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

What did London burning look like?

Andre, the grat teacher of language, asked us to read an article of london burning and write an article of how it look it:
London is in an infinite grat fire and the houses are cracking. Slike people carried away its bed and all their important things. Some people are still walking through the town among the hot coals trying to scape of the lamentable fire. It is night and the smoke and ashes cover the city and make it even more darker. There I did see the houses at the end of the bridge all on fire. Horrid malicious bloody flame cover the hoses and it is moving forward. The entry of the city is obstructed and in fire. People are evacuating the city with their horses and carriage.
London's Burning Photograph.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Formal letter writing

Andrea, the best language teacher, asked us to write a formal letter. For this assigment, she gave us some instructions:

  • Start the letter "Dear editor"
  • Follow the plan on page 93
  • Use "Useful expressions"
  • Introducty comments: 1
  • Agreeing: 3
  • Explaning your views: 2
  • Claryfing: 2
  • 150 words
Dear editor, 
I read your article about the crimes, I fully agree with advising people to protect their homes ans posessions, that is to say, prevent crime.
I am in agreement with the idea of instalating cameras on the streets, because of this, the police will be able to catch a lot of thieves and burglaries. Also, they can respond to crime quickly if not therefore sometimes they arrive when thieves have already left. Police can also patrol the streets, in other words, make thieves go out of the streets.
The role of citizens is to install alarms or sensors in the neighbourhood houses, so if something happen in one house, neighbours will know and advice police that is to organzie in groups of neighbours. I fully support avoid taking out the garbage at night and talking to strangers because a thieve can burglary you.
As a conclusion with all this crimes can be prevent.
Thank you!
Agustin Fila

Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!

Andrea, the language teacher asked us to make a review about Oh Romeo Oh Romeo!. This is a play that the some students make representing the school. This was part of a competition that a lot of schol participates about Shakespiare. For doing the review Andrea gives us some instructions:

What´s your opinion about the play? Why did/didn´t you like it? What did the script writers take into account when they wrote the script? Why do you think it mean a lot of work to put in this play? What aspects do you think were taken into account? Why was the play succesful? Write a review covering the above points (150 words)

  • In my opinion
  • Personally, I beliee/guess
  • From the (artistic) point of view
  • I don´t agree
  • I´m against
  • 15 connectors
Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!
First, In my opinion, It´s a great player as a result, of all the work students and teachers had done. Above all what I most like is that they made the play funny. Then, personally I believe that for writing the script, first they tried to make it funny, however they didn´t lose the essential of Romeo and Juliet.

In particular, for me the difficult notably was to prepare or to practise the play eventhough they had the help of their teachers. I´m against including props that in the year of the play don´t exist.

From the artistc point of view, despite they are young actors, they act very well and were in role. Significantly the things that were taken into account were te setting and the costumes. Finally, due to all these aspectes the play was succesful as opposed to all the others plays. However, I´m against the plays are so short.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Proceso creativo 2015

Agustin Fila 3A
Stensil y acrilico
Mi zapato:

Lapizes de color
Incorpore a mi composición distintos elementos que nos representan

¿A donde van mis zapatos?:
Secuencia fotográfica
 Recorriedo los espacios del colegio
VAN GOGH y sus zapatos:
Recordando los 150 años de su merte
Microfibra y fibron aplicados a dstintos valores de grises
Me imagino una historia y la represento
Grafismos con acuarelas utilizando el movimiento de las pinceladas de Van Gogh
Los zapatos de Van Gogh viajan a una de sus obras

Trabajo símbolos que nos representen con sellos aplicándolos a fondos intervenidos por un stensil de un autorretrato

Mis zapatos recorrieron... 

San Martin de Los andes
Blanco, blanco grizacio, celeste azulado, marron agrizado, marron verdoso, marron azulado, celeste agrizado.
Sentia adrenalina de esquiar, me sentia minimisado.

Recuerdo lugares y paisajes de la Argentina realizando una descripcion de sus colores formas y texturas

Observamos la geometrizacion de los trabajos de: Paul Klee, Xul Solar y Emilio Petorutti

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Recursos + Orden

En la clase de Lengua estuvimos viendo unos recursos argumentativos para el orden, aca se los dejo mi trabajo, lo hice con Matias Castro Cendra:

¡Esta en nuestras manos!

En biología seguimos estudiando la Educacion Sexual y la transmisión sexual. Ahora tuvimos que analaizar un afiche acerca de la prevensión del VIH y explicar con nuestras palabras el significado del titulo del afiche:
 Se refiere a que esta en nuestras manos contagiarnos o prevenir el VIH, saber si tenemos el virus del VIH o no. Para esto todos tienen que hacerse un test de VIH y si llega a aparecer el virus del VIH es mejor tener ayuda medica temprana y una mejor calidad de vida o mantenerse internado. Tambien advierte que usemos preservativos en todas las relaciónes sexuales.
Ahora les dejo una nube de tags con las palabras claves:


En la clase de biología empezamos a hablar sobre la educación sexual. Hablamos de la trasmisión sexual del VIH o SIDA. Aca les dejo informacion de una organización que lucha contra el VIH o SIDA:

Hace 30 años que empezo la epidemia y hace 15 años la ONUSIDA lucha contra el SIDA. Hoy las personas que tienen SIDA no fallecen y aquellas con VIH tienen una vida prolongada. La ONUSIDA propone tres objetivos:
  1. Que el virus no se proponga mas
  2. Que no se discriminen a las personas que tengan sida
  3. Que no halla mas muertes
 En el video que habla sobre la ONUSIDA dice "¡lleguemos a cero!" y con esto se refiere a sus tres objetivos:
  • "CERO" discriminación
  • "CERO" muertes
  • "CERO" infección